United Nations

  • Jul 29, 2015
  • 7 min read

Iran impact on global oil market will be slow

The Iran nuclear deal opens the door to higher global oil and gas supply

  • Jun 30, 2015
  • 7 min read

EU Med mission impact would increase with UN backing

The EU's new mission against Mediterranean people-smuggling is hostage to Libyan politics

  • May 14, 2015
  • 7 min read

Fossil fuels will face disinvestments globally

The Paris summit on climate change will take place in December, though important decisions will be taken outside it

  • Apr 14, 2015
  • 7 min read

Saudi Arabia faces long war in Yemen

The campaign has achieved swift domination of Yemen's skies, but more limited impact on Huthi presence on the ground

  • Apr 10, 2015
  • 7 min read

Fallow politics will impede Libyan talks

The UN's persistent efforts to broker a unity government could be undercut by domestic and regional politics

  • Apr 9, 2015
  • 7 min read

Global vulture funds action will be restricted

Vulture fund activity has been growing fast since the 1980s

  • Apr 7, 2015
  • 7 min read

Iran oil sector faces slow recovery from sanctions

The framework nuclear deal increases the prospect of Iranian oil returning to global markets in the coming year

  • Feb 27, 2015
  • 7 min read

Global drug control norms will shift

The Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem in 2016 will be the scene for a shift in the global drug fight
