United Nations

  • Jan 7, 2004
  • 7 min read

IRAQ: Uncertainties cloud Kurdish economy future

Clashes between Arabs and Turkmen inhabitants of the northern oil industry centre of Kirkuk and...

  • Jan 2, 2004
  • 7 min read

SERBIA-MONTENEGRO: Radicals force moderates together

Parliamentary elections were held in Serbia on December 28. The far-right nationalist Serbian...

  • Dec 30, 2003
  • 6 min read

SERBIA-MONTENEGRO: UN sets terms for Kosovo debate

The UN Security Council has endorsed a ten-page document that sets the standards that must be...

  • Dec 30, 2003
  • 7 min read

PROSPECTS 2004: Fragile peace in West Africa

The end of the Taylor regime in Liberia has been widely greeted as the beginning of a process of...

West Africa
  • Dec 29, 2003
  • 6 min read

UNITED NATIONS: P5 states to fight key reform plans

Momentum for change at the UN has increased since the diplomatic debacle over the Iraq War. The...

United Nations
  • Dec 24, 2003
  • 7 min read

LATIN AMERICA: GDP rises but major challenges remain

The UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean released its annual report on...

Latin America
  • Dec 10, 2003
  • 7 min read

AFRICA: Peace prognosis fuels optimism

Moves towards peace in a growing number of African countries over the past two years have led to...

  • Dec 4, 2003
  • 6 min read

BALKANS: Public administration reforms are superficial

International donors in the Balkans heavily encourage public administration reform, which they...
