United Nations

  • Jul 26, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Sectoral funding in Yemen, 2015-21

  • Jun 15, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Swedish trade with Iran, 2009-21

  • Dec 3, 2021
  • Chart / Map

United Kingdom: Top export destinations, 2015-20

United Kingdom
  • Aug 24, 2021
  • Chart / Map

United Nations: Security Council seats in 2022

United Nations
  • Nov 19, 2020
  • 2 min read

Middle East sanctions will mostly misfire

Trump-Biden policy differences over Iran sanctions highlight a much wider controversy

Middle East
  • Aug 26, 2020
  • Chart / Map

Middle East: Funding by UN response plan

Middle East
  • Jun 8, 2018
  • Chart / Map

UN: Current peace and security architecture

United Nations