United Nations

  • Nov 24, 2016
  • 7 min read

New Urban Agenda challenges developing cities

UN's Habitat III conference offers an ambitious vision for expanding developing-world cities

Latin America
  • Nov 23, 2016
  • 7 min read

Peacekeeping concerns risk instability in East Africa

Rising insecurity in East Africa is testing the durability of regional peacekeeping arrangements

East Africa
  • Nov 23, 2016
  • 2 min read

Jordan will struggle to cope with new refugees

Syrian refugees trapped on the border will receive aid, but no long-term solutions

  • Nov 23, 2016
  • 2 min read

Syrian rebels may constrain Aleppo civilians

Reports that some families have been stopped from fleeing rebel-held areas follow an intensified government campaign

  • Nov 22, 2016
  • 2 min read

Return of refugees is stumbling block for Cyprus talks

Agreement on territorial divison would have paved the way for the last phase of Cyprus settlement talks

  • Nov 21, 2016
  • 7 min read

Pragmatism will drive Sudan’s foreign relations

Sudan’s overall foreign relations have improved in recent years, but legacy issues plague its global standing

  • Nov 21, 2016
  • 2 min read

Syria faces major food shortages

Humanitarian concerns have risen, as a new report shows a massive contraction in agricultural output

  • Nov 18, 2016
  • 8 min read

Prospects for climate governance in 2017

Backsliding by Washington threatens to unravel the international political consensus behind the Paris climate pact
