United Nations

  • Apr 6, 2016
  • 7 min read

Morocco will aim to limit UN Western Sahara mandate

A diplomatic crisis between Rabat and the UN could strengthen Morocco's position over Western Sahara

  • Apr 5, 2016
  • 6 min read

Appeal may reject UN tribunal's Yugoslav acquittal

The verdict on Serbian ultra-nationalist leader Vojislav Seselj overturned 20 years of jurisprudence

  • Apr 4, 2016
  • 7 min read

Online counterterrorism will gain momentum

Governments have been focussing on the internet to counter violent extremism

  • Mar 31, 2016
  • 2 min read

Unexpected ICTY verdict may not suit Serbia's Seselj

Seselj's acquittal will deny him the chance to rail against an unfair court

  • Mar 4, 2016
  • 6 min read

North Korea sanctions usher in new era of tension

The UN Security Council has imposed its strongest ever sanctions on Pyongyang, but regional realignments may matter more

North Korea
  • Mar 2, 2016
  • 2 min read

Haiti cholera case may threaten UN legal immunity

A successful appear against the UN's immunity could greatly complicate future missions

  • Feb 25, 2016
  • 7 min read

Global weather insurance will develop quickly

As climate change is making extreme weather events more frequent, the weather insurance industry is developing quickly

  • Feb 22, 2016
  • 6 min read

Cyprus talks must now tackle sensitive issues

High-level talks on reunification are set to continue, but much of their impetus has dissipated
