PROSPECTS 2003: Rapid growth needed for stability
China's integration into the world economy will gather momentum in the coming year, aided by...
CHINA: Foreign fund-management JVs play positive role
China has invited foreign fund-management joint venture partners to apply alongside their...
ChinaPROSPECTS 2003: Bitter disputes cloud trade outlook
World trade volume fell in 2001 and has grown only marginally in 2002. Forecasts for 2003...
SOUTH KOREA: Pressure to reform trade continues
South Korea is considering negotiating free trade agreements with Australia, Mexico, New...
South KoreaRUSSIA: Battle starts over 2003 utility tariffs
On November 22, parliament passed the 2003 budget at third reading, dropping an amendment...
RussiaPHILIPPINES: Slippage in tariff commitments
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Secretary of Trade and Industry Manuel Roxas have recently...
PhilippinesRUSSIA/EU: Kaliningrad compromise points way forward
On November 11, the EU and Russia announced an agreement on travel by Russian citizens between...
RussiaEAST ASIA: Trilateral FTA plan reflects rivalry
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has proposed a joint study into a three-way free-trade agreement...