Prospects for the global economy in the fourth quarter
Despite pressure from higher inflation and policy tightening, emerging markets are still...
InternationalProspects for the global economy in the third quarter
Global economic growth will ease in the third quarter to a more moderate pace, while trade will...
InternationalDoha rules make trade deal more difficult
The Trade Negotiations Committee, the WTO's most important negotiations body, meets today in...
WTOInnovation drives IPR unevenly in key emerging markets
It is widely assumed that, as countries develop, they become increasingly more innovative and...
InternationalInformal cooperation grows on global migration
Every year, millions of people leave their country to enter others. Migration is a major issue...
InternationalDoha collapse would not threaten global trade recovery
The WTO Trade Negotiations Committee, its most important negotiations body, will meet this...
WTOPROSPECTS 2011 Q2: Global economy
Despite an overall steady expansion, the global economy is running on three different tracks,...
INTERNATIONAL: Russian WTO trajectory creates anxiety
Russia's chief WTO negotiator, Maksim Medvedkov, on February 1 said that the country's accession...