
  • May 23
  • 2 min read

Chinese cyber advances will test Western defences

Two new reports by specialist cybersecurity firms shed light on the scale, scope and skill of Chinese cyberactivity

  • May 23
  • 62 mins

Webinar: Navigating uncertainty

The shadow of US elections on Europe, Asia and the Gulf

  • May 22
  • 7 min read

WTO now a forum for talks, not unanimous dealmaking

The WTO’s standing is under threat amid the dispute settlement function suspension and low appetite for trade deals

  • May 22
  • 7 min read

AI will transform supply chains

Companies across sectors are integrating ever-improving AI into their supply chains

  • May 21
  • 2 min read

AI Seoul Summit promises modest collaboration

The AI Summit, jointly hosted by the South Korean and UK governments, began in Seoul today

  • May 21
  • 2 min read

The gold price will continue to perform strongly

Gold reached a record high yesterday and the drivers remain in place for the rally to continue

  • May 21
  • 2 min read

Impact of rate moves on house prices varies widely

The housing market downturn has been softer than expected worldwide amid the marked rise in interest rates from 2022

  • May 15
  • 7 min read

EU and UK rules on financial trading will diverge

As risks rise, EU and UK legislation on derivatives trading and alternative investment funds is also expanding
