North Korea

  • Feb 14, 2017
  • 2 min read

US policy uncertainty reshapes East Asian geopolitics

US policies under Trump, settled and unsettled, bring new risks and opportunities to governments across East Asia

East Asia
  • Jan 4, 2017
  • Chart / Map

Estimated global nuclear warheads

  • May 10, 2016
  • 2 min read

North Korea's economy will withstand sanctions

North Korea's economic performance casts doubt on the ability of sanctions to put meaningful pressure on Pyongyang

North Korea
  • Jan 6, 2016
  • Chart / Map

North Korea: Timeline of nuclear development

North Korea
  • Nov 27, 2014
  • 2 min read

German precedent bodes ill for Korean reunification

Similar narratives are tempting, but the material differences would be far harder to surmount

North Korea