• Mar 21
  • 2 min read

COVID-19 will hold back longer EU life expectancy

The COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the trend adding years to average life expectancy, especially in the eastern EU

  • Mar 12
  • 2 min read

Germany’s political fragmentation will deepen

Three new parties have been launched in Germany since the start of this year

  • Feb 22
  • Chart / Map

United Kingdom: GDP growth forecasts for 2024 and 2025

United Kingdom
  • Feb 22
  • Chart / Map

United Kingdom: Real GDP per person, 2000-23

United Kingdom
  • Feb 22
  • Chart / Map

United Kingdom: Inflation, wage growth & base rate

United Kingdom
  • Feb 22
  • Chart / Map

United Kingdom: Productivity growth, 2000-23

United Kingdom