
  • Apr 19
  • 2 min read

US deportations to Haiti will prompt mixed reactions

The first US deportation flights to Haiti since January were announced this week

  • Apr 12
  • 2 min read

Foreign intervention in Haiti risks fierce backlash

The gangs’ stranglehold over Haiti complicates the establishment of a new government and security deployments

  • Mar 22
  • 2 min read

Slow crisis responses risk lives of thousands in Haiti

As international players formulate plans for Haiti, violence on the ground is raging and humanitarian crises worsen

  • Mar 13
  • 2 min read

Demands of Haiti’s gangs will be difficult to ignore

Having forced the prime minister from office, Haiti’s gangs could now derail plans to replace him

  • Mar 12
  • 2 min read

Henry’s departure will not pacify Haiti

Further turmoil will ensue as gang leaders look to consolidate and strengthen their positions

  • Mar 7
  • 2 min read

Henry’s position looks increasingly untenable in Haiti

Haiti’s most infamous gang leader is determined to force Henry’s resignation, and looks likely to succeed

  • Mar 4
  • 2 min read

Haiti gangs will maintain push for Henry’s departure

Haiti’s police have long struggled to maintain order; 5,000 escaped prisoners will only compound that challenge

  • Mar 1
  • 2 min read

Haiti gangs may intensify efforts to oust Henry

With the acting prime minister in Kenya, Haiti’s gangs have launched a power play
