
  • Mar 19, 2003
  • 7 min read

EAST AFRICA: Oil promise points to lucrative exports

Growing interest is being shown in the potential for expanding the energy sector in East Africa. ...

  • Feb 26, 2003
  • 7 min read

FRANCE/AFRICA: Iraq to the fore in African summit

The Franco-African summit was held in Paris on February 20-21....

  • Jan 23, 2003
  • 8 min read

AFRICA/RUSSIA: Russian arms find growing market

Russia's arms industries are re-establishing structured relationships -- 'military-technical...

  • Jan 20, 2003
  • 7 min read

AFRICA/US: US trade act needs time to spread benefits

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Conference was held January 15-17 in Mauritius....

United States
  • Jan 15, 2003
  • 8 min read

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Instability persists

Libyan troops, who had been in the country since the May 2001 coup attempt against President...

  • Dec 30, 2002
  • 7 min read

PROSPECTS 2003: Civil conflict in W Africa

A troubled year lies ahead, with civil conflict continuing in the region, and further...

  • Aug 29, 2002
  • 7 min read


General Andre Kolingba, former president of the Central African Republic, was among more than 20...

  • Aug 13, 2002
  • 7 min read

GABON: Missed payments alarm creditors

Gabon has missed two successive quarterly payments to its London Club creditors....
