
  • Jun 7
  • 2 min read

Iran will react negatively to international pressure

Tehran has rejected the latest resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s Board of Governors

  • Jun 4
  • 2 min read

Pressure will increase on Iran to comply with the IAEA

A European draft resolution to the IAEA may raise pressure on Iran and possibly provoke a response

  • May 31
  • 2 min read

Iran’s presidential election may include a reformist

Allowing a reformist candidate in the presidential election could ease pressure for a change of political system

  • May 28
  • 2 min read

Iran’s foreign and nuclear policies will be unaltered

The deaths of the president and foreign minister will stall nuclear talks, while foreign policy will not change

  • May 20
  • 2 min read

Iran's foreign and domestic policy will be unaltered

Iran's foreign and domestic policy will be unaltered despite the deaths of the president and foreign minister

  • May 14
  • 2 min read

India discerns more opportunity than risk in Iran deal

The two sides have signed a long-term contract for the development of Chabahar port

  • May 2
  • 2 min read

Russia will exploit tension but will not encourage war

Iran's missile and drone strikes on Israel on April 14 complicated Moscow's delicate balancing act in the Middle East

  • May 1
  • 2 min read

Iran is approaching the limits of its oil expansion

Ambitious plans face constraints from production capacity and possibly reinforced sanctions
