• Sep 2
  • 2 min read

Insecurity will rise across Jordan’s border with Syria

Drug and arms smuggling and Iranian interference are creating security issues for the Jordanian authorities

  • Aug 30
  • 2 min read

Oman’s external position will help attract investment

Improved fiscal discipline and reduced government debt have resulted in Moody’s upgrading Oman’s sovereign outlook

  • Aug 30
  • 2 min read

Palestinian Gaza will receive very limited relief

The UN is quickly moving to prevent the spread of polio after the territory registered its first case in 25 years

  • Aug 30
  • 2 min read

Structural reforms will weigh on Egypt’s IMF loan

Despite improved conditions, the IMF warns of lingering downside risks that it argues will necessitate further reforms

  • Aug 30
  • 2 min read

Turkey’s security interests may dictate key road link

Turkey hosted a meeting on Baghdad’s Development Road project amid news of Iraqi military’s downing of a Turkish drone

  • Aug 29
  • 2 min read

Politics could reverse Turkey’s economic improvement

The IMF has acknowledged the success of tighter fiscal and monetary policies since mid-2023

  • Aug 29
  • 2 min read

Migration carries political risks for Spain’s Sanchez

Irregular immigration from western Africa to Spain has risen substantially this year

  • Aug 29
  • 2 min read

Eventual royal succession in Riyadh will be smooth

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has consolidated his authority over all domains in the kingdom

Saudi Arabia