Saudi Arabia

  • Oct 20, 2023
  • Chart / Map

Saudi Arabia's renewable energy expansion plans

Saudi Arabia
  • Oct 11, 2023
  • 2 min read

The Saudi-Israeli normalisation puzzle will get harder

The Gaza war hikes the costs of Saudi talks with Israel, as Israeli anti-Palestinian sentiments prohibit compromises

Saudi Arabia
  • Sep 8, 2023
  • Chart / Map

Saudi Arabia's budget outturns

Saudi Arabia
  • Sep 8, 2023
  • Chart / Map

Saudi Arabia's central bank's net foreign assets

Saudi Arabia
  • Aug 17, 2023
  • 2 min read

The Saudi government will encourage female employment

Women’s labour force participation is helping expand the private sector’s contribution to the economy

Saudi Arabia
  • Jul 27, 2023
  • Chart / Map

Saudi Arabia's completed football transfers

Saudi Arabia
  • Jul 17, 2023
  • Chart / Map

Saudi Arabia oil production

Saudi Arabia