• May 31
  • 7 min read

US foreign digital diplomacy will see limited success

The US State Department has articulated a new strategy that will govern its digital policy overseas

United States
  • May 29
  • 7 min read

US AI export controls on China have limits

US policymakers want to contain Chinese AI advances but the effectiveness of export controls is limited

United States
  • May 24
  • 7 min read

US vice presidents can be partners in government

The Biden and Trump campaigns have agreed to a television debate between their vice-presidential candidates this summer

United States
  • May 23
  • 7 min read

Democrats see change in Texas as a long-term process

Recent polling shows Texas Senator Ted Cruz holding off his Democratic challenger in this year's election

United States
  • May 21
  • 7 min read

Washington seeks dialogue to limit damage to ties

Visits by senior US officials to China in April underscored the persistence of diverging views on key issues

  • May 16
  • 7 min read

Biden's hold on the important youth vote is slipping

The president retains a lead over Donald Trump with younger voters but it is much reduced from his lead in 2020

United States
  • May 14
  • 7 min read

US foreign policy rhetoric may mask closer positions

Campaign rhetoric is amplifying differences between the two presidential candidates on external issues

United States
  • May 13
  • 7 min read

Flat US defence spending puts Pentagon under pressure

The Biden administration's requested defence budget increase for the next fiscal year is below the rate of inflation

United States