Showing 161–170 of 1184 results.
The country is under pressure to phase out coal-fired power plants so it can reduce emissions
Chart showing energy production from coal and other sources, 2014-19
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Poland says coal mining will continue after a European court fined it for ignoring a shutdown order
Western Balkan countries have made some pledges to decommission their coal sectors, but overall progress is slow
Russian electricity output by source -- fossil fuels and renewables, %
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Turkey's installed capacity as of August 31, 2021 (MW)
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Delhi is distancing itself from the consensus that the G7 is trying to forge regarding action against climate change
Hesitant policy action reflects conflicted attitudes to climate change in the political elite, industry and society
Rising energy demand and the need to phase out fossil fuels are enhancing the appeal of long-distance power lines
Commission comments on national COVID-19 recovery plan suggest incapacity while opposition raises fears of cronyism