Showing 261–270 of 6627 results.
President Vucic officially announced that Serbia will hold national elections on December 17.
El Salvador’s gangs have been dealt a blow, and may never be the same again, but lasting security is far from guaranteed
El Salvador's homicide rate began falling long before President Nayib Bukele's gang crackdown
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Ukrainian grain production dropped sharply last year due to the Russian invasion
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The ruling of a Kenyan court could have profound security implications for Haiti, where gang violence is out of control
Local candidates, social leaders and activists are likely to be targeted by criminal organisations and insurgent groups
The European Political Community has helped the EU, United Kingdom and Albania strike a deal on curbing migration
Surge in gang-related violence embarrasses a government that promised a solution last year, but is too deeply rooted
The circumstances around a teenage girl falling into a coma have raised social tensions in Iran
Military escorts are a pragmatic precaution for election candidates, but they will be politicised