Showing 261–270 of 1552 results.
Brexit’s impact on trade with the EU, congestion and reimposed customs procedures outweigh any increase in non-EU trade
Massive efforts are underway this year to reduce and clean up air and water pollution
Delays in tackling the need to open new lignite mines are another indication of Kosovo’s dysfunctional society
Drivers will pay at the petrol pump as a major oil producer modernises refining capacity
Ankara will avoid making commitments that would require serious adjustment of its carbon-heavy development policies
Million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from 2000-15
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A largely symbolic diesel summit postpones real progress on inner-city pollution and protects the interests of carmakers
Long considered a crucial technology for decreasing global emissions, carbon capture and storage is struggling to deploy
Global CO2 capture capacity in millions of tonnes per annum, 2012-22
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