Showing 431–440 of 5855 results.
Disruption to trade, travel, FDI and supply chains will accelerate the move from hyper-globalisation towards peak trade
GVCs, % to labour functions, and % to capital, 2000-14
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China is set to roll out its central bank digital currency, colloquially known as the ‘digital yuan’
The COVID-19 crisis has escalated since the ECB stepped up its response to the coronavirus crisis on December 10
US-China goods exports, imports and balance, 2017-20
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The Biden administration has delayed a Trump-era ban on US investment in Chinese firms with suspected military links
COVID-19 has devastated the already threadbare budgets of many developing countries; debt relief calls will grow
FDI fell by 42% last year but the breakdown by country and sector signposts pandemic winners and losers
China has raised its quota for outbound portfolio investment