Showing 531–540 of 3821 results.
The country is banning exports of cooking oil and its raw materials
The Delhi-friendly administration is trying to stamp out a campaign against Indian influence in the country
Changing diets favouring vegetable consumption have major implications for the world's largest producer and exporter
Vegetable consumption per head in rural and urban China, 2014-20
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China's actual (2019) and projected (2029) production and consumption of vegetables
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China's total vegetable output, 1995-2020, in million tonnes
Graphic Item
While the new prime minister’s administration takes shape, the ousted premier is rallying his supporters
The war in Ukraine is causing major disruption and uncertainty for German industry
Rapid rises in food and other top consumption categories could threaten President Erdogan’s hold on power
Graphic Analysis
March inflation rose to the highest month-on-month level since the height of the 2002 economic crisis