Showing 741–750 of 2934 results.
Libya has just passed the 30,000 mark for infection numbers following weeks of rapidly increasing cases
The trajectory of the COVID-19 epidemic in Libya
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The EU’s deepest recessions in the second quarter of 2020 tended to occur in countries with large tourism sectors
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Defence spending rises alongside further fiscal measures to help businesses and households through the pandemic
The Caribbean’s major tourism markets need incomers, but welcoming back the tourists brings serious risks
Nicaragua’s government is playing down the COVID-19 pandemic as electoral preparations begin
Except for Croatia, EU's eastern economies outperformed rest of EU-27 in second quarter as COVID-19 hit
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Turnover fell markedly in Greek economy sectors most affected by lockdown
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The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated already high levels of exclusion and impoverishment
Pandemic-related fiscal pressures and debate over a new constitution may increase impetus for a long-delayed tax reform