Showing 831–840 of 8816 results.
India has posted its slowest GDP growth rate in six years
Global growth is stabilising at a weak pace, and forecasts of trade rebounding robustly may be premature
Debt, % of GDP, by income group and sector, 2008-19
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The global trade slowdown and idiosyncratic factors in member states threaten to weaken euro-area growth further
The UK auto trade body warns that output may plunge after Brexit, while German auto producer Audi plans 9,500 job losses
Brexit, economic uncertainty and the future integrity of the United Kingdom will be pressing issues in 2020
Selective stimulus will keep GDP growth close to 6% as initiatives to improve the sustainability of growth continue
Retail sales and infrastructure investment in China, 2016-19
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi must contend with political headwinds as well as an economic slowdown
Emerging markets will struggle to achieve a widely forecast rebound as common and idiosyncratic risks are rising