China war parade gives no sign of 'growing influence'

A huge military parade in Beijing marked the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War

The parade saw high-level representation from only 30 of the 192 UN member states, few of them big players

Source: Oxford Analytica


The poor turnout at the parade highlights China's diplomatic weakness. It refutes that idea that the BRICS, the members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) or the participants in the 'One Belt and One Road' (OBOR) initiative are nascent diplomatic blocs under Chinese leadership. Neither has it given substance to the idea of an emerging 'authoritarian bloc'.

The event serves Tokyo well: an anniversary that could have highlighted Japan's past aggression and raised concerns about the Abe government's defence policy instead spotlighted China's military aggrandisement and supplied evidence for 'China hawks' worldwide to make their case.


  • The attendance of US treaty allies Thailand and South Korea is a victory of sorts for China, but both are unusual cases.
  • The only show of solidarity among the world's major states came from Russia -- a shaky partnership of convenience.
  • After showing off her anti-Japanese credentials and reassuring China, President Park Geun-hye may now feel able to reach out to Japan.
  • Western governments will not wish to abet Beijing's exploitation of history for present advantage.

See also