Fall in Central-East European voting may bottom out

Post-communist disillusion with politics probably explains lower election turnouts than Western Europe

Post-communist disillusion with politics probably explains lower election turnouts than Western Europe

Source: Eurostat, Idea.int, State Electoral Commission of Croatia


The Slovak government is expected to win re-election on March 5, with a reasonable turnout for Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) of about 60%, given rising turnouts in two previous elections. For migration to be a motivating election issue, voters would need to want a change of government, but Prime Minister Robert Fico has already adopted a migrant-sceptic position.

It will hardly compare with the 96% who voted in the first post-communist election in 1990. A pattern of early-1990s enthusiasm followed by a slump and gradual recovery applies across CEE; it seems reasonable to assume that it is due to inevitable disillusion with democratic politics as the novelty wore off and that CEE will eventually align with West European voting patterns.


  • Public disengagement with politics has been linked to low party membership, yet France combines high turnouts and less than 2% membership.
  • Animated by enthusiasm for reform, Romania's turnout in 2016 could rise from its 2012 nadir, as in the 2014 presidential election.
  • Compulsory voting explains the Luxembourg, Belgium and Cyprus turnouts but not the 63.6% of Greeks voting in January and 56.6% in September.

See also