Uneven migrant distribution in Europe may push reform

As the EU faces one of its largest challenges yet, countries' migrant burden-sharing varies

The number of asylum seekers relative to the population was highest in Hungary, Sweden and Austria last year...

Source: Eurostat


The uneven distribution of migrants will increase pressure on the EU to implement planned reform of the asylum system, which includes a mandatory relocation mechanism, despite opposition from a number of countries including Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. A sustained perception of unfair burden-sharing could strengthen far-right anti-immigrant and Eurosceptic parties further.

The EU-Turkey migrant deal, which has reduced the number of arrivals significantly, has also increased Europe's dependency on Turkey. Political and public opposition is likely to grow as visa-free travel for Turks is set to come into effect from July. Countries with a high number of migrants will face the challenge of integrating them into society and labour markets, which may lead to social tension given the difficult economic climate in many countries.


  • The relocation mechanism will not apply to three EU countries with opt-out clauses: Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
  • Differences in approval rates are partly due to asylum seekers' citizenships: 97.2% of Syrians, but only 1.6% of Serbians, were accepted.
  • The EU's attempts to manage the crisis will be frustrated by asylum seekers' own preferences, as most registered in Hungary have moved on.
  • The migrant crisis and the way the EU is dealing with it may fuel immigration fears in the United Kingdom ahead of the 'Brexit' referendum.

See also