Mass tourism will spark European opposition

Despite economic benefits, locals are increasingly sceptical of large-scale tourism

Source: Eurostat, TourMis, Tourism Economics, Mastercard


Anti-tourism protests in several European cities such as Venice and Barcelona this summer have focused attention on the negative consequences of mass tourism, including overcrowded inner cities, pressure on infrastructure, environmental damage, price increases and a loss of authenticity.

Some destinations are trying to encourage longer and repeat stays -- as tourists who have seen the top attractions before may go to less visited districts -- and attract tourism outside peak seasons. Others such as Spain’s Majorca -- long associated with party tourism -- are trying to rebrand their image and change the type of travellers they attract, but such efforts take time and may be hindered by existing infrastructure.


  • Televised series such as Game of Thrones can boost visits to featured destinations such as Iceland or southern Spain.
  • The rise in rented accommodation from providers such as Airbnb can lead to locals being priced out of inner cities, fuelling resentment.
  • Concerns about security and terrorism in Turkey and North Africa are benefiting European countries such as Spain and Greece.
  • The low value of the pound against the euro is making the United Kingdom an attractive holiday destination.

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