Congo’s new president enters office under a cloud

Serious doubts have been raised over the election’s credibility and the continued influence of the current ruling elite

Source: Congo Research Group; Financial Times; Radio France Internationale; TV5 Monde


President-elect Felix Tshisekedi is set to be inaugurated after the Constitutional Court on January 20 rejected runner-up Martin Fayulu’s claims of electoral fraud.

Fayulu’s claims rest on leaked data from Congo’s Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) and observation reports from the Catholic Church’s National Episcopal Conference of the Congo (CENCO), both of which appear to show Fayulu winning by a significant margin.

International and domestic responses have been mixed, but many have expressed serious doubts over the elections’ credibility. While further appeals are pending, the ruling Common Front for the Congo (FCC) has also claimed an overwhelming victory in legislative and provincial elections.


  • The FCC’s parliamentary majority will give it significant control over government institutions, as well as the post of prime minister.
  • The FCC claims 70% of provincial seats and will dominate senate and gubernatorial polls, to be voted on by provincial assemblies in March.
  • The questionable division of power will fuel rumours of a backroom deal between Tshisekedi and outgoing President Joseph Kabila.
  • Beyond domestic divisions and the FCC’s entrenched influence, Tshisekedi’s Congo will also face deepening international isolation.

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