
  • Feb 24, 2017
  • 12 min read

Moscow will press Arctic claims with law and military

Russia's Arctic military presence grabs headlines, but its astute legal arguments and consensus-building make progress

  • Dec 21, 2016
  • 2 min read

US drilling ban in Arctic faces likely reversal

The White House has undertaken a late-stage effort to block Arctic drilling before pro-exploration lawmakers take office

United States
  • Jul 27, 2016
  • 6 min read

Norway's defence focus will shift to the High North

A long-term plan responds to Russia's increasing military activity and may put the Nordic region back on NATO's agenda

  • Mar 9, 2016
  • 7 min read

Polar Code leaves enforcement gap for Arctic shipping

New rules for Polar vessels come into effect in 2017, with implications for shipping, states, shipbuilders and insurers

  • Feb 12, 2016
  • 12 min read

Russia tensions may hinder Arctic governance

Russia has submitted a renewed claim to seabed beneath the North Pole, which will be considered by the United Nations

  • Nov 25, 2013
  • 2 min read

Arctic will gain NATO attention from Canadian focus

Vershbow is visiting Ottawa today, having commented on the weekend that there is a perception in...

  • Oct 25, 2013
  • 7 min read

Kremlin aims to re-assert Northern Sea Route control

On October 23, the official representative of the Investigation Committee of Russia said that the...

  • Oct 16, 2013
  • 7 min read

New Arctic routes will not rival Suez or Panama soon

Historical weather patterns suggest the northern hemisphere should be cooling during coming...
