• Aug 29, 2018
  • 7 min read

Mexico-US NAFTA deal piles pressure on Canada

With Mexico and Washington having struck a deal, the onus is on Canada to secure its place, and with it, NAFTA's future

  • Aug 28, 2018
  • 2 min read

US-Mexico trade deal would save AMLO a headache

As Canada scrambles to secure inclusion in a deal, Mexico’s president-elect looks to have dodged a political nightmare

  • Jul 26, 2018
  • 2 min read

Quick trilateral NAFTA deal looks improbable

Officials claim to be hopeful of a trilateral deal before mid-November, but actions speak louder than words

  • Jul 24, 2018
  • 2 min read

AMLO will not be drawn into Trump’s NAFTA games

Flattery and vague, unsubstantiated claims of an impending “dramatic” NAFTA deal do not make such a deal any more likely

  • Jul 11, 2018
  • 7 min read

Quick NAFTA deal is unlikely

All parties to NAFTA have an interest in reaching a deal before November, but the chances of them doing so are slim

  • Jun 6, 2018
  • 2 min read

Retaliatory Mexican tariffs raise doubts over NAFTA

Mexico has announced a number of tariffs on US imports following Washington's imposition of steel and aluminium tariffs

  • Jun 1, 2018
  • 2 min read

Tariff imposition threatens NAFTA talks

The introduction of import tariffs on key metals all but ends hope of a NAFTA deal before Mexico's July 1 elections

  • May 24, 2018
  • 2 min read

US tariff moves will prolong NAFTA negotiations

Trump’s protectionist attitude threatens to inflict damage upon North America’s auto sector