• Mar 25, 1987
  • 5 min read

TURKEY/US: Strained Relations

A new Defence and Economic Cooperation Agreement (DECA) between the United States and Turkey...

  • Oct 1, 1986
  • 4 min read


Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev are to hold a preparatory...

  • Jun 12, 1986
  • 3 min read

EASTERN EUROPE: Warsaw Pact meeting

The Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Pact has called for sweeping European troop...

Eastern Europe
  • May 23, 1986
  • 4 min read

WESTERN EUROPE: Chemical Weapons

NATO Defence Ministers have approved a US plan to introduce a new generation of chemical...

Western Europe
  • Apr 22, 1986
  • 4 min read

WESTERN EUROPE: Moves against Libya

Foreign Ministers of the European Community yesterday agreed to impose restrictions on Libyans...

Western Europe
  • Mar 27, 1986
  • 6 min read

GREECE/UNITED STATES: Shultz visit to Greece

US Secretary of State Shultz faced left-wing demonstrations in Greece yesterday. ...

United States
  • Mar 13, 1986
  • 4 min read

SPAIN: NATO Referendum

Spain yesterday voted in a referendum to remain in NATO. The vote was primarily an...

  • Mar 10, 1986
  • 4 min read

SPAIN: NATO Referendum

Spain votes on Wednesday in the national referendum on continued membership of NATO. Spain...
