• Jan 28, 2010
  • 2 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Leaders announce reconciliation effort

Representatives of 69 nations met in London today at a conference designed to forge consensus...

  • Jan 22, 2010
  • 1 min read

AFGHANISTAN/PAKISTAN: Al-Qaida/Taliban ties to endure

The central US and NATO concern is to prevent al-Qaida from re-establishing a safe haven in...

  • Jan 18, 2010
  • 1 min read

US/NATO/AFGHANISTAN: Civil-military integration is key

As part of President Barack Obama's imminent surge of troops to Afghanistan, the US State...

United States
  • Jan 15, 2010
  • 1 min read

NATO: Alliance can survive divergent strategic ideas

A two-day meeting of top defence officials in Oslo is supposed to help NATO in adopting its new...

  • Jan 13, 2010
  • 2 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Insurgency is changing in Helmand

Eight people were killed by local security forces yesterday during a rare mass protest in the...

  • Dec 30, 2009
  • 2 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Government holds to election timetable

Presidential spokesman Waheed Omar yesterday dismissed international calls for the next...

  • Dec 29, 2009
  • 1 min read

INTERNATIONAL:Power projection yields dividends, risks

The guiding principle for the formation of any state's armed forces used to be that of seeking to...

  • Dec 23, 2009
  • 1 min read

EUROPE: CEE is prominent in NATO's Afghan 'surge'

Washington's Central-East European (CEE) allies have stepped up their contribution to the NATO...
