• Apr 23, 2004
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA: Re-elected Putin will retain his world view

There are unlikely to be major changes in foreign policy following the re-election of President...

  • Apr 5, 2004
  • 1 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Bosnia tests EU military capacity

In the context of EU preparations to take over responsibility for peace-keeping in...

  • Apr 5, 2004
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA/NATO: Moscow offers concrete security links

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in Brussels on Friday for a NATO-Russia Council session including...

  • Apr 2, 2004
  • 1 min read

NATO/EASTERN EUROPE: Larger NATO benefits Washington

The ceremonial acceptance of seven East European nations into NATO today proves that it is the...

Eastern Europe
  • Mar 30, 2004
  • 1 min read

EASTERN EUROPE/US: Seven states formally join NATO

The Bulgarian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak and Slovene prime ministers...

United States
  • Mar 26, 2004
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA: Newspaper sees NATO among series of threats

Throughout the former Soviet Union, tensions are building that might lead to a "shooting war",...

  • Mar 18, 2004
  • 1 min read

BOSNIA: Bankrupt nationalists lurch into crisis

The breakdown of relations between the ruling nationalist parties in the Federation has blocked...

  • Mar 18, 2004
  • 1 min read

SERBIA-MONTENEGRO: KFOR reinforces after day of riot

A US infantry company of the Bosnian Stabilisation Force left Bosnia for Kosovo this morning,...