Libyan rebels launch international diplomatic push
The Benghazi-based Transitional National Council (TNC) will address the international contact...
LibyaINT/LIBYA: Pressure mounts on Qadhafi regime
A Libyan government spokesman said yesterday that Tripoli was ready to discuss changes in the...
IntLIBYA: Protracted conflict likely as questions mount
Fighting between government and opposition forces continues around Brega. More than two weeks...
LibyaNATO/LIBYA: Civilian deaths will affect NATO action
NATO is investigating a report that up to 40 civilians may have been killed in Western air...
NatoINTERNATIONAL: Libya mission falls naturally to NATO
NATO members and other countries involved in military action are attending a major international...
LibyaINTERNATIONAL: Libyan success would boost NATO
All countries providing military backing to the UN resolution calling for the protection of...
NatoLIBYA/INT: Civil war scenario will deter intervention
The Organisation of the Islamic Conference today joined calls for a UN-led no-fly zone over...
LibyaUS/RUSSIA: China concern may lead to new nuclear deal
President Barack Obama is now legally obliged to initiate negotiations with Moscow on tactical...
United States