• Mar 4, 2010
  • 7 min read

US/CEE: Elites embrace Obama's international approach

Domestically, post-Atlanticism marks the completion of overdue elite turnover in CEE: idealistic...

United States
  • Feb 26, 2010
  • 2 min read

RUSSIA: Kremlin shifts focus back to NATO expansion

President Dmitry Medvedev claimed in an interview published yesterday in Paris Match that...

  • Feb 24, 2010
  • 2 min read

US/NATO: Gates warns over flagging European commitment

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates yesterday characterised the "demilitarisation of Europe" --...

United States
  • Feb 22, 2010
  • 7 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Drug pressures may divide Taliban

Pakistani intelligence officials are interrogating Taliban second-in-command Mullah Abdul Ghani...

  • Feb 19, 2010
  • 2 min read

POLAND/RUSSIA: Warsaw suggests hosting NRF exercises

The Defence Ministry wants the first regular exercises of the NATO Response Force (NRF) to be on...

  • Feb 18, 2010
  • 6 min read

RUSSIA/CEE: Rhetoric eases but long-term aim remains

Tiraspol's February 15 offer to Moscow to base missiles in Transnistria was initially welcomed...

  • Feb 15, 2010
  • 2 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Troops encounter resistance in Marjah

Gun battles took place in several areas of Marjah today, on the third day of a major NATO and...

  • Feb 8, 2010
  • 7 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Campaign concept is at stake in Helmand

US and UK forces are about to launch an operation against Taliban fighters in Marjah, central...
