• May 29
  • 2 min read

Czech role in supporting Ukraine will grow

Prague is hosting talks this week on Western military support to Kyiv

Czech Republic
  • May 22
  • 6 min read

French role in EU nuclear defence will be limited

Macron has suggested that France’s nuclear weapons should now assume a European dimension amid growing insecurity

  • May 8
  • 12 min read

Russian foreign influencer campaigns are evolving

Russian foreign influencer campaigns include a heavy focus on Europe and NATO

  • May 7
  • 2 min read

Russian nuclear intimidation will continue

Russia announced it is conducting nuclear drills in response to alleged UK-French threats of escalation

  • May 7
  • 2 min read

Russian hacking will keep ties with West tense

Russian state-linked hacking activity against the West shows no signs of slowing

  • Apr 16
  • 7 min read

Limits to Russia’s ties with Turkey will persist

Economic ties with Turkey have grown in importance over the past two years, despite significant foreign policy tensions

  • Apr 10
  • 7 min read

Ukraine cyberdefences will have impact beyond Russia

Catastrophic cyberattacks have surprisingly not been a feature of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

  • Mar 15
  • 7 min read

East Europeans will gain influence on Western security

Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has drawn attention to Central-Eastern European security, shifting the focus eastwards

Eastern Europe