• Jul 4, 2002
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA/SLOVAKIA: Jet refit deal

The Slovak Defence Ministry and Russian aircraft manufacturer MiG yesterday signed a contract...

  • Jul 2, 2002
  • 1 min read

BOSNIA: US troops remain

US troops will continue to participate in the Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia despite the...

United States
  • Jul 1, 2002
  • 1 min read

BOSNIA: Force uncertainty

The Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia will not be jeopardised by a possible US veto of an...

  • Jul 1, 2002
  • 1 min read

BOSNIA: Force uncertainty

The Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia will not be jeopardised by a possible US veto of an...

  • Jun 28, 2002
  • 6 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Modest advances only for ESDP

The Seville European Council last week proclaimed further progress towards realisation of the...

  • Jun 28, 2002
  • 1 min read


The Seville European Council last week proclaimed further progress towards realisation of the...

  • Jun 24, 2002
  • 6 min read

RUSSIA: Military opposition threatens NATO ties

For many in the military, Putin's new policy is too pro-Western and pays insufficient attention...

  • Jun 24, 2002
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA: Military opposition

The convergence of NATO and Russian interests is not as stable as some assume.
