United Nations
RUSSIA/MIDDLE EAST: Moscow reviews its regional role
Middle Eastern conflicts and flashpoints provide Russia with an opportunity to demonstrate the...
RussiaEUROPEAN UNION: Anti-terrorism policy lacks coherence
In response to the terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and London, the EU has adopted an...
GEORGIA/RUSSIA/UN: Simmering conflicts may escalate
The UN Security Council extended the mandate of UN observers in Abkhazia on April 13. Growing...
GeorgiaBALKANS: Violence likely -- however Kosovo plays out
Russian Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov said yesterday that Kosovo negotiations should...
BalkansBOSNIA: External decisions come at region low point
Controversy is growing over last week's International Court of Justice (ICJ) genocide ruling. The...
BALKANS: Rift is opening within EU states on Kosovo
A member of the Serbian negotiating team in Vienna told Der Kurier on March 3 that all Kosovo's...
BalkansRUSSIA/MIDDLE EAST: Putin offers alternative to the US
President Vladimir Putin visited Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan on February 10-13. Putin's visit...
RussiaRUSSIA/US: Tough talk underlines state of relations
President Vladimir Putin criticised the United States for conducting a reckless and dangerous...