United Nations

  • Feb 6, 2002
  • 7 min read

AFGHANISTAN: Return of warlordism puts Karzai at risk

Interim leader Hamid Karzai visited the city of Herat today for talks with governor Ismail Khan,...

  • Feb 1, 2002
  • 6 min read

COLOMBIA: Rights abuse rises as peace talks fail

Despite international support for the peace process and the establishment of a permanent office...

  • Jan 31, 2002
  • 7 min read

UNITED STATES: Fund stance remains divisive

The White House is holding up the transfer of 34 million dollars to the UN Population Fund...

United States
  • Jan 28, 2002
  • 7 min read

CROATIA: Government foments frontier fracas

The country's prolonged inability to solve its three bilateral border disputes -- with...

  • Jan 21, 2002
  • 6 min read

JAPAN/AFGHANISTAN: Questions over aid commitment

Major donor nations today pledged more than 1.5 billion dollars in aid to Afghanistan at a...

  • Jan 17, 2002
  • 6 min read

COLOMBIA: Peace talks remain flawed despite reprieve

Peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla group were salvaged on...

  • Jan 4, 2002
  • 6 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Local needs count in conservation

The developed world largely appreciates the importance of dense forests to the wider...

  • Jan 3, 2002
  • 9 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Hurdles ahead for Global Tax Network

In an interlinked world economy, tax policies have several cross-border implications. Enhanced...
