• Jun 30, 2000
  • 6 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Regional trade areas proliferate

Political and institutional motives for concluding regional integration agreements are usually...

  • Jun 30, 2000
  • 5 min read

UNITED STATES: Nader unlikely to win 5% of vote

Ralph Nader won the Green Party's presidential nomination this week....

United States
  • Jun 29, 2000
  • 7 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Regional trade areas proliferate

The theoretical merits and demerits of regional versus multilateral integration are likely to...

  • Jun 28, 2000
  • 9 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Trade policy overcomes divisions

Despite the problem of coordinating and reconciling 15 national positions, the EU has proved an...

  • Jun 27, 2000
  • 10 min read

EUROPEAN UNION: Trade policy overcomes divisions

The relationship between the European Communities (EC) and the member states in trade policy is...

  • Jun 8, 2000
  • 10 min read

INTERNATIONAL: WTO dispute system strains

The WTO differs from its predecessor, the GATT, in many respects, but perhaps the most striking...

  • May 26, 2000
  • 10 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Corporate responsibility

Private regulations on labour and environmental standards could become the main obstacle to...

  • May 19, 2000
  • 9 min read

EGYPT: IPR protection key to IT ambitions

US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky has retained Egypt on the US 'priority watch list'...
