Prospects for the global economy in the third quarter
Global economic growth will ease in the third quarter to a more moderate pace -- as...
InternationalDoha rules make trade deal more difficult
The Trade Negotiations Committee, the WTO's most important negotiations body, meets today in...
WTOArea-specific WTO agreements would face hurdles
Trade ministers from major countries will meet today in Paris, on the sidelines of the...
WTOG20 protectionism is on the rise
G20 countries are under increasing pressure to adopt protectionist measures despite their pledge...
InternationalWTO Airbus-Boeing rulings are key to emerging players
The WTO Appellate Body (AB) yesterday reversed the organisation's previous finding that EU member...
WTOPharma opportunity is policy challenge for LDCs
A combination of circumstances has opened a window of opportunity for least developed countries...
LDCsWTO Doha stalemate increases appeal of FTAs
Technical discussions between the US administration and congressional staff are expected to begin...
WTODoha is alive, but global trade agreement far off
WTO members meeting last Friday in Geneva acknowledged the significant gaps among their...