RUSSIA: Putin's foreign advisers
The Presidential Administration (PA) exerts an important influence on foreign policy-making.
RussiaUNITED STATES: Waning WTO support
US discontent with selective aspects of the WTO Dispute Settlement understanding is becoming...
United StatesUNITED STATES: Waning WTO support
The administration is moving Washington away from formally structured alliances into more fluid...
United StatesUS/INTERNATIONAL: WTO steel ruling
The WTO issued a formal finding on July 11 that steel tariffs imposed last year by the Bush...
United StatesUKRAINE: WTO worries
Kyiv hopes that WTO accession will improve its negotiating position in a world climate of...
UkraineINTERNATIONAL: Textiles quota phase-out
For the last forty years, trade in textiles has been subject to significant restrictions.
InternationalEUROPEAN UNION: GM labelling
The European Parliament (EP) yesterday approved two pieces of legislation on genetically modified...
CHINA: Semiconductor sector
With strong government support, a nascent semiconductors industry is already challenging domestic...