
  • Mar 5
  • 7 min read

Decarbonising steel will be a long-term challenge

Steel output accounts for 7% of global carbon emissions and decarbonised steel production capacity remains minimal

  • Feb 21
  • 7 min read

US weight-loss drug market will expand amid obstacles

The market for drugs for weight loss and diabetes control will multiply this decade, with implications for other markets

  • Feb 20
  • 7 min read

Solutions struggle to cut EU small-firm funding woes

Lack of financing for smaller firms drags more on innovation and GDP in Europe than in the United States

  • Feb 19
  • 12 min read

Social media fragmentation raises disinformation risks

The online information environment is fragmenting just as its role in people's lives is increasing

  • Feb 16
  • 7 min read

Cement sector decarbonisation will accelerate

Cement has near-term decarbonisation options while, longer-term, low-carbon cement technologies may be disruptive

  • Feb 15
  • 7 min read

ECB and Fed to delay rate cuts to sustain disinflation

The timing of the US/EU policy pivot to rate cuts is uncertain; rising euro-area expectations and wages raise concern

  • Feb 13
  • 7 min read

Sea-level rise to necessitate adaptation globally

With sea-level rise an inevitability, adaptation measures are gaining increased attention

  • Feb 7
  • 7 min read

Partnerships between AI firms and militaries will grow

Militaries will increasingly seek out private artificial intelligence firms for cutting-edge technology
