
  • Feb 19, 2019
  • 7 min read

Passenger spaceflight comes of age

The coming months will see milestones for private human spaceflight that could make or break the nascent industry

  • Feb 18, 2019
  • 7 min read

US-China multi-front rivalry will persist

US-China rivalry is evolving beyond the trade deficit amid a worrying lack of progress on key sticking points

  • Feb 12, 2019
  • 7 min read

Even gradual quantitative tightening raises GDP risks

Monetary tapering in the United States, Japan and euro-area raises debt repayment, credit creation and confidence risks

  • Feb 11, 2019
  • 8 min read

US-China tariffs worsen ASEAN middle-income trap fears

Assessments of the US-China tariffs impact see ASEAN gaining GDP and jobs, but in lower-value, less-skilled sectors

  • Feb 11, 2019
  • 12 min read

Global reliance on GPS creates new risks

Global navigation satellite systems are ubiquitous but their proliferation has created unanticipated risks

  • Feb 8, 2019
  • 7 min read

US yield inversion signals recession within 1-2 years

If US GDP is still growing by June it will break records, but yields signpost weaker growth and possibly recession ahead

  • Feb 8, 2019
  • 7 min read

EU edges closer to anti-trust action on social media

Germany’s cartel office has found that Facebook’s data monopoly is anti-competitive

  • Feb 7, 2019
  • 7 min read

Brazil’s tailings tragedy may hasten regulatory reform

Brazil’s second major tailings failure within four years shines the spotlight on waste management in the mining sector
