Swiss cap on EU immigrants will likely be massaged
Yesterday 50.3% of Swiss voters voted to cap immigration from the EU, implying the renegotiation...
EUUK public sentiment on 'EU exit' will be volatile
Survey evidence indicates widespread support for a referendum on UK membership of the EU, and...
EUSwiss vote on executive pay may aid minimum wage rise
Swiss voters yesterday rejected the '1:12 Initiative for Fair Pay', voting 65.3% against and...
SwitzerlandRise of populism will not threaten EU institutions
In a context of economic and cultural insecurity and growing resentment against globalisation and...
EUUS and Swiss deal will not solve tax avoidance issue
US and Swiss authorities have reached an agreement to allow Swiss banks to disclose information...
SwitzerlandUS banks set to outperform euro-area peers
US banks were initially more damaged by the global financial crisis than their European...
InternationalEU tax transparency push will expose more gaps
The haemorrhaging of fiscal resources in all advanced states since 2008 has generated a much...