Ousted prime minister Navin Ramgoolan's ruling Labour Party suffered a heavy general election...
MauritiusCOMOROS: Confederation in the balance
The government of Comoros has signed an agreement with separatists on the island of Anjouan....
The agreement between the government and separatists on the island of Anjouan could lead to the...
The agreement between the government and separatists on the island of Anjouan could lead to the...
ComorosUNITED STATES: Africa Trade
A bi-partisan initiative to assist economic recovery...
United StatesAFRICA: Stock Markets
Markets in shares are small but growing, mainly...
INDIAN OCEAN: Island Economies
The Comoros, Madagascar, the Maldives and the...
Indian OceanMAURITIUS: December 21, 1995