North Korea

  • Jun 25
  • 2 min read

Pyongyang-Moscow pact raises alarm in Seoul

Russia and North Korea signed a new Comprehensive Strategic Partnership treaty on June 19

  • Jun 19
  • 2 min read

Western capitals will focus on energy cybersecurity

Cyberattacks such as the Colonial Pipeline attack in 2021 have highlighted the need to secure energy supply chains

  • Jun 18
  • 2 min read

Seoul-Pyongyang border tensions will worsen

The South today said North Korean soldiers have been fortifying the inter-Korean border

South Korea
  • Jun 10
  • 2 min read

Seoul-Pyongyang military tensions will rise

North Korea has threatened unspecified retaliation after the South resumed propaganda broadcasts

North Korea
  • Jun 7
  • 2 min read

North Korean border provocations risk escalation

The South Korean government has condemned Pyongyang’s sending of rubbish balloons across the border

North Korea
  • Jun 3
  • 2 min read

Pyongyang will step up grey-zone tactics against Seoul

The South Korean government is poised to withdraw fully from the inter-Korean military pact

North Korea
  • May 14
  • 2 min read

Balloon launches risk raising Seoul-Pyongyang tensions

North Korean defectors have sent balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets into the North

North Korea
  • May 2
  • 2 min read

North Korean terror threats to South Korea will rise

The South Korean government has warned of potential North Korean terrorist attacks on diplomatic missions

North Korea
  • Apr 30
  • 2 min read

Pyongyang’s Beijing and Moscow ties will be complex

Russia has vetoed more UN monitoring of Pyongyang's sanctions breaches as Moscow and Beijing boost North Korea outreach

North Korea