
  • May 22, 2023
  • 7 min read

China's ties with eastern EU will come under strain

Unfulfilled expectations of Chinese FDI and Beijing's position on Ukraine strain China-eastern EU relations.

  • Feb 9, 2023
  • 7 min read

Eastern European crypto market will see robust growth

The rapidly expanding crypto sector in Eastern Europe creates both opportunities and risks

Eastern Europe
  • Feb 7, 2023
  • 6 min read

Baltic fiscal prudence will return even with low debt

Crisis years 2020-22 have increased Baltic states’ spending and debt, as rising interest rates raise debt-service costs

Baltic states
  • Apr 20, 2022
  • 7 min read

Ukraine invasion will raise Estonian premier’s support

Estonians’ warnings of Moscow’s intentions have been borne out by the invasion of Ukraine

  • Dec 13, 2021
  • 7 min read

Estonia will secularise faster than the other Baltics

Just like Western societies, the post-Soviet Baltic states are following a path of religious change

Baltic states
  • May 17, 2021
  • 7 min read

EU neighbours’ policy towards Belarus will not soften

Formerly supportive Polish-Baltic relations with Belarus have shifted since Minsk’s repression of pro-democracy protests

Baltic states
  • Feb 3, 2021
  • 7 min read

New Estonian government will be cautious until polls

The Kallas coalition, embracing the two largest parties, is a return to normality after EKRE’s upsets
