Brexit will bring Gibraltar closer to the EU
As a result of Brexit, Gibraltar looks set to become closer to the EU in ways that it has never been before
SpainGibraltar faces an uncertain future post-Brexit
The Gibraltar economy faces significant risks as a result of Brexit
GibraltarGibraltar will benefit from UK-Spanish tensions
Tensions between the United Kingdom and Spain have escalated since Gibraltar -- a British...
SpainUK/SPAIN: Breakthrough Gibraltar deal to be signed
The United Kingdom, Spain and Gibraltar are expected to reach agreement today on a number of...
United KingdomSPAIN/UNITED KINGDOM: Ground shifts on Gibraltar
UK and Spanish representatives acknowledged last week that important difficulties still remain...
United KingdomUNITED KINGDOM/SPAIN: Gibraltar deal looms larger
The UK and Spanish governments last week agreed to work towards a settlement of the Gibraltar...
United KingdomSPAIN/UNITED KINGDOM: Emergence of new EU axis?
With the Spanish and UK prime ministers seeing eye to eye on many (but by no means all) issues,...
United Kingdom