
  • Jul 18
  • 2 min read

Montenegro may squander the EU’s goodwill

Parliament has passed a resolution that irked Croatia, seemingly undoing painstaking progress made towards EU membership

  • Jun 27
  • 2 min read

Montenegro may progress on EU membership path

The EU gave the nod to Podgorica’s continued EU membership bid

  • May 23
  • 2 min read

Srebrenica resolution risks further dividing Bosnia

A symbolic UN General Assembly resolution is causing tensions in the Western Balkans

  • Nov 3, 2023
  • 2 min read

EU growth plan may boost Western Balkan economies

EU has unveiled an EUR9bn plan aimed at integrating the Western Balkans into its single market.

  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 2 min read

Western Balkans will remain EU priority

The European Commission president's visit to the region highlights the Western Balkans' importance for the EU

  • Oct 27, 2023
  • 2 min read

Incoming Montenegrin cabinet to focus on rule of law

Prime Minister-designate Milojko Spajic has presented his government's agenda to parliament

  • Oct 19, 2023
  • 2 min read

Population census will deepen Montenegrin polarisation

The opposition is calling for a boycott of the forthcoming census, alleging wrongdoing by Serbia

  • Aug 31, 2023
  • 2 min read

Montenegro's new governing coalition will be shaky

Prime Minister-designate Spajic has excluded a pro-Serbian bloc from the next cabinet, triggering protests.

  • Jul 24, 2023
  • 2 min read

Caretaker cabinets pose challenge in Eastern Europe

Caretaker cabinets have become increasingly common in eastern EU and the Western Balkans due to political fragmentation

Eastern Europe